- May 11, 2014Mother’s Day
- May 4, 2014The Story: God’s Messengers
May 4, 2014The Story: God’s MessengersBy: Dennis QueenSeries: The StoryDue to technical difficulties, the recording of this sermon is not available. Please accept our sincere apologies. -Sunrise Tech Team
- Apr 27, 2014The Story: A Kingdom Torn in Two
- Apr 20, 2014Resurrection Sunday: It is Finished
Apr 20, 2014Resurrection Sunday: It is FinishedBy: Jon SchulerSeries: Standalone
Jesus' last words on the cross, "it is finished", ring through history as the triumphant statement of victory over sin and death. But what if there's more to it even than that? "What if in his death Jesus gave us not only everything we need for salvation, what if he gave us everything we need for our ongoing sanctification? The Good News of the risen King might even be better news than you've ever known!"
- Apr 13, 2014The Story: The King Who Had it All
Apr 13, 2014The Story: The King Who Had it AllBy: Bud GothmannSeries: The StoryDue to technical difficulties, the recording of this sermon is not available. Please accept our sincere apologies. -Sunrise Tech Team
- Apr 6, 2014The Story: Trials of a King
- Mar 30, 2014The Story: From Shepherd to King
- Mar 23, 2014The Story: Standing Tall, Falling Hard
Mar 23, 2014The Story: Standing Tall, Falling HardBy: Jon SchulerSeries: The Story
In chapter 10 of “The Story”, Jon dives into a story that took 80 years to unfold: the faithfulness of Samuel and the fault of Saul: “Rather than wait on the Lord, we get this hero complex. I'm far too accustomed to taking things into my own hands - but when I do that I don't let Jesus be the hero! And Jesus is the hero!”
- Mar 16, 2014The Story: The Faith of a Foreign Woman
Mar 16, 2014The Story: The Faith of a Foreign WomanBy: Daniel CobbSeries: The Story
In chapter 09 of “The Story”, Daniel Cobb takes a look at the tnree main characters in the book of Ruth: Naomi, Boaz, and of course Ruth: “Ruth wasn't the best choice for Boaz - think of all that he sacrificed for her! He's a foreshadowing of Jesus: what Boaz did was cool... What Jesus did changed eternity!”
- Mar 2, 2014The Story: The Battle Begins
Mar 2, 2014The Story: The Battle BeginsBy: Jon SchulerSeries: The Story
In chapter 07 of "The Story", Jon takes a hard look at the Israelites invasion of the Promised Land, and the bloody story that we see play out in Jericho and Ai: "I see something in Scripture that doesn't align with what I would do, and I assume that it's wrong... But I'm trying to take a God who describes himself as a Mighty Warrior and tame Him, and He just will not be tamed. ."