Feb 20, 2022
Get Back Up the Last Time You Fall
By: Troy Burns
Series: Win the Day
Continuing in our series, Win the Day, Troy reminds us that we can fail 999 times, as long we get back up 999 times, especially the last time. Almost anybody can accomplish almost anything if they work at it long enough, hard enough, and smart enough. That's not to say it’s about us, or what we’re able to do. God has a much more critical role than we do, but our part is to never give up.
- Feb 20, 2022Get Back Up the Last Time You Fall
Feb 20, 2022Get Back Up the Last Time You FallBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Win the DayContinuing in our series, Win the Day, Troy reminds us that we can fail 999 times, as long we get back up 999 times, especially the last time. Almost anybody can accomplish almost anything if they work at it long enough, hard enough, and smart enough. That's not to say it’s about us, or what we’re able to do. God has a much more critical role than we do, but our part is to never give up.
- Feb 13, 2022Dream Big, But Start Small
Feb 13, 2022Dream Big, But Start SmallBy: Dean WestermanSeries: Win the DayFor this week's message from our Win the Day series, Dean talks about the fact that God is great, not only because nothing is too big, but also because nothing is too small. He also helps us understand that how we do the little things is how we’ll do the big things. Or, stated differently, how we do anything is how we’ll do everything.
- Jan 30, 2022Add a Tough Habit to an Easy One
Jan 30, 2022Add a Tough Habit to an Easy OneBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Win the DayAt this point in our Win the Day series, we’re turning the page on the past and focusing on the present, with the understanding that we get to start over each and every day. As we strive to grow spiritually, one helpful strategy is to add a tough habit to an easy one, and to integrate our time with God into our daily routines.
- Jan 23, 2022Remember Your Defining Moments
Jan 23, 2022Remember Your Defining MomentsBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Win the DayWe all experience pain that wounds us and scars us. As Troy shares from our Win the Day series, the way we release scar tissue, spiritually speaking, is through forgiveness. If we choose not to forgive, we struggle to experience joy and intimacy, and we become trapped by things like rage and bitterness.
- Jan 16, 2022Change Yourself, Not Your Circumstances
Jan 16, 2022Change Yourself, Not Your CircumstancesBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Win the DayContinuing in our series, Win the Day, Troy asks the question, "Have you ever tried to get out of something, but could not, and then later, you realized that God was keeping you in that situation for your benefit? A key answer to the question is this: There’s nothing wrong with asking God to change your circumstances, but His primary objective is changing you.
- Jan 15, 2022Pearl Gower Memorial Service
Jan 15, 2022Pearl Gower Memorial ServiceBy: Troy BurnsSeries: StandaloneThis is the audio from the memorial service for Pearl Gower, one of our beloved members at Sunrise. Since it's audio only, the slideshow music is not included. What a life well lived!
- Jan 9, 2022You Hurt is Someone Else’s Healing
Jan 9, 2022You Hurt is Someone Else’s HealingBy: Bud GothmannSeries: Win the DayContinuing in our series, Win the Day, Bud talks about the ways in which our courage to do the thing we fear can eventually lead to a breakthrough for someone else. In addition, our pain can contribute to someone else's healing.
- Jan 8, 2022Mark Kent Memorial Service
Jan 8, 2022Mark Kent Memorial ServiceBy: Troy BurnsSeries: StandaloneThis is the audio from the memorial service for Mark Kent, our beloved former Senior Minister. Since it's audio only, the slideshow music is not included. We love you, Mr. Kent!
- Jan 2, 2022What’s Your Name and What’s Your Story?
Jan 2, 2022What’s Your Name and What’s Your Story?By: Troy BurnsSeries: Win the DayTo kick off our new series based on the book, Win the Day, by Mark Batterson, Troy explains that God not only renames us, but actually puts His name on us. He changes our name, which changes our identity. Troy also encourages us to identify some defining moments in our lives because everything in our past is preparation for something in our future.
- Dec 26, 2021Here We Go Again?
Dec 26, 2021Here We Go Again?By: Troy BurnsSeries: StandaloneAs we finish out 2021 and approach the beginning of 2022, Troy explains that we can start over again every day, not just every year. We can make every day New Year’s Day by living in the moment and making each day count.