Feb 23, 2014
The Story: Wandering
By: Jon Schuler
Series: The Story

- Feb 23, 2014The Story: Wandering
Feb 23, 2014The Story: WanderingBy: Jon SchulerSeries: The Story
In chapter 06 of "The Story", Jon takes a look at the Israelites wandering in the desert: "Sometimes we can be so stubborn that we can be led to the edge of the Promised Land, and not walk in! God is trying to bless you through good leadership, but instead of hearing His call you are motivated by fear and comfort, and you refuse to move."
- Feb 16, 2014The Story: New Commands and a New Covenant
Feb 16, 2014The Story: New Commands and a New CovenantBy: Daniel CobbSeries: The Story
In chapter 05 of "The Story", Daniel Cobb takes a look at the giving of the Law in Exodus 20, coming to a startling conclusion about the Mosaic law: "We needed the light to come into the room so we could see our sinfulness - and that's why the Law came... Here's the problem though - just turning on the light doesn't make the room any cleaner!"
- Feb 9, 2014The Story: Deliverance
- Feb 2, 2014The Story: The Testimony of Joseph
Feb 2, 2014The Story: The Testimony of JosephBy: Rick PickelSeries: The Story
Chapter 03 of The Story: Rick Pickel takes us along for a look at the life of Joseph, in particular the relationship between he and his brothers. Admin note: due to technical difficulties, the recording of this sermon was cut off prematurely. Sermon notes will be posted to the blog page shortly. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Jan 26, 2014The Story: God Builds a Nation
- Jan 19, 2014The Story: Creation
Jan 19, 2014The Story: CreationBy: Jon SchulerSeries: The Story
Chapter 01 of The Story: Associate Minister Jon Schuler takes a look at the first chapter of The Story, examining the Creation account all the way through Noah and the great flood. Taking an especially close look at the Fall of Man, Jon asks "has anything really changed? Or are we just finding new ways to commit old sins?"
- Jan 12, 2014The Story: Series Introduction
Jan 12, 2014The Story: Series IntroductionBy: Jon SchulerSeries: The Story
In the first week of our series based on "The Story" by Max Lucado and Randy Frazee, Associate Minister Jon Schuler breaks down what to expect during the series. Starting with the need for Biblical literacy and moving into Scriptural authority, we lay a foundation for where we'll be headed over the next 31 weeks.
- Jan 5, 2014State of the Church
Jan 5, 2014State of the ChurchBy: Mark KentSeries: StandalonePastor Mark preaches on the state of the church going into the year 2014.
- Dec 22, 2013The Saving One
- Dec 15, 2013Unwrapping Purpose
Dec 15, 2013Unwrapping PurposeBy: Mark KentSeries: Christmas Gifts From GodAfter a missionary presentation from Ben Johnson of the Miqueas Outreach in Manzanillo, Mexico, Pastor Mark jumps into the third message of our series "Christmas Gifts from God" - this week, hear as he explains how to find and unwrap the gift of purpose in our everyday life.