May 26, 2024
Love Better (The Greatest Thing You Can Do)
By: Troy Burns
Series: Love Better
Troy summarizes and concludes our message series, Love Better, while reminding us of two questions we each need to answer: What can I do to love other Christians better? What can I do to love people in my community better?
- May 26, 2024Love Better (The Greatest Thing You Can Do)
May 26, 2024Love Better (The Greatest Thing You Can Do)By: Troy BurnsSeries: Love BetterTroy summarizes and concludes our message series, Love Better, while reminding us of two questions we each need to answer: What can I do to love other Christians better? What can I do to love people in my community better?
- May 19, 2024Love Does Whatever It Takes
May 19, 2024Love Does Whatever It TakesBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Love BetterIn 1 Corinthians 13:8, we read that “Love never fails,” or as another Bible version says it, “Love never ends.” The most accurate translation is that “Love never falls," meaning that God’s type of love will not fall or falter. It is constant forever. It also means that if we follow Jesus, we are to show that same kind of love for other people.
- May 5, 2024Love Knows That Jesus Is Up and Waiting
May 5, 2024Love Knows That Jesus Is Up and WaitingBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Love BetterTroy continues in our message series, Love Better, by discussing the love that “always perseveres,” or that “endures all things.” It's not easy to show that kind of love, but it’s worth it because we know that "Jesus is Up and Waiting” for us.
- Apr 28, 2024Love Never Gives Up Hope
Apr 28, 2024Love Never Gives Up HopeBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Love Better1 Corinthians 13:7 tells us that love “always hopes," or “Love hopes all things.” That hope is one that refuses to sink. It’s active in the deepest waters of life. It keeps swimming and it helps others to keep swimming, too.
- Apr 21, 2024Love Believes in Unlimited Possibilities
Apr 21, 2024Love Believes in Unlimited PossibilitiesBy: Bud GothmannSeries: Love BetterWhat's your mountain, and what's your root canal? If you don't know, listen to Bud's message from our Love Better series. Sometimes, God leads us to do something we really don't want to do, but if we'll trust Him enough to obey Him, there's an incredible benefit on the other side of that challenge.
- Apr 7, 2024Love Sees Things as They Really Are
Apr 7, 2024Love Sees Things as They Really AreBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Love BetterAlthough it can be very difficult to share honestly and openly with each other, speaking the truth, and communicating reality, is actually a way that we show love, if we do it in the right manner.
- Mar 17, 2024Love Doesn’t Let Bad Things Happen to Others
Mar 17, 2024Love Doesn’t Let Bad Things Happen to OthersBy: Dean WestermanSeries: Love BetterIn 1 Corinthians 13:6, Paul wrote that “Love does not delight in evil.” In other words, love is not calmly happy when bad stuff happens to others. To help drive this point home, Jesus told the synagogue leaders that He came to help Jews and Gentiles. In this week's message, Dean challenges us to remember this as we live out our lives in the modern world.
- Mar 10, 2024Love Doesn’t Keep Score of Failures
Mar 10, 2024Love Doesn’t Keep Score of FailuresBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Love BetterIt's natural to tally up the things that someone else has done or said to hurt or offend us. But as Troy discusses in this week's message, love keeps no record, or account, of wrongs. What’s the opposite of keeping that account? Releasing it. Letting it go. Also known as: Forgiveness.
- Mar 3, 2024Love Doesn’t Take it Out On Other People
Mar 3, 2024Love Doesn’t Take it Out On Other PeopleBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Love BetterGenuine love is "not irritable" or "easily provoked." That means we do not let the things that irritate us end up provoking us and allowing our feelings to overflow into negative actions. Instead, we control the emotions that could lead us to harm someone else with our words or actions.
- Feb 25, 2024Love is Not About Me
Feb 25, 2024Love is Not About MeBy: Troy BurnsSeries: Love BetterAs Troy explains (and as Arron shares in his book), love does not selfishly insist on its own way. With that in mind, the next time you have an opportunity to do something you don’t want to do, but you know it’s the right thing to do, and/or it’s good for someone else, will you do it?