Lessons in Pain Relief

One of my biggest struggles as a dad is when my daughter is hurt by someone and I want to solve the problem instead of offering advice and allowing her to work through the issue herself. I’d much rather lash out or crack some skulls or otherwise knock some sense into whomever caused her pain. But, fortunately, I’ve come to understand that my initial, natural reaction does not typically lead to the best solution.
This balance of trying to help and protect my daughter, while also striving to train her in solving problems and dealing with people on her own reminds me of a book my friend Ann-Luise gave me years ago, when I was in the trenches of youth ministry. I continue to find refreshment and inspiration in this collection of devotionals from the heart of a fellow youth worker. The book, written by Glenn Procopio, is entitled So That’s Why I Keep Doing This.
In one of the devotionals, Glenn describes a situation where his son was harassed at school by a group of older thug-jocks who were cruel and abusive. After Glenn guided his son through some options and strategies, the young man confronted the group of boys and made them realize they weren’t going to get the best of him, while remaining calm, cool, and Christlike in his words and demeanor. Through a trial in his son’s life, God reminded Glenn that He is faithful; here are a few words that Glenn wrote to sum this up:
Faith in Christ becomes more real when shared. The enemy is tinier than he appears. God is infinitely larger than He seems. Victory comes to those who dare to trust God’s ways. God comes to those who dare to trust Him. Standing alone is never easy. Standing alone is always worth it. Your Father will always be there for you. In times of hurt, someone else hurts with you. There’s no feeling like being loved.
What this teenage boy showed his father, and what my daughter shows me when she’s brave and learns to fight her own battles, is that faith and life in Christ works, not just in church but every day. Having said that, though, I would still advise you not to hurt my little girl. After all, she is my heart walking around outside my body and I will do whatever I can to protect her. 😊
Troy Burns