One of my favorite authors (who also happens to be a preacher, best job in the world!) wrote the following question, seemingly just for me: “Have you ever tried getting out of something but couldn’t, then later realized that maybe God was keeping you in that situation for your benefit?” I’m totally on-board with the first part of his statement. I want out! But I dislike the second part, because I’ve not yet discovered God’s hand in this situation. Why would He keep me here? How in the world could this ever benefit me?
I should mention that my desire to escape has nothing to do with my marriage or my family or my job and all of the people I love at Sunrise. When I say, “I want out!” I also know that I’m in that wonderful, scary, lonely, awe-inducing state of waiting on God and trusting that He will work “for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). After all, that’s what God does; He’s shown me many times before:
- When my wife suffered a miscarriage that ended her first pregnancy, God drew us closer to Him and to each other, giving us a sense of almost going to war together and knowing that we could survive anything.
- When my son became severely ill, God reminded me that I dedicated my boy back to Him, and that my son was really God’s child.
- When my beautiful bride learned she had a brain aneurysm requiring surgery, God reaffirmed my commitment to her, in sickness and in health, and He showed me how precious each moment of life with her is.
- When my daughter cried the saddest tears I’ve ever seen in this life, God gave me an extra measure of love and compassion for her as amazing as it was painful.
God allows us to remain in situations we want out of, but He does so with a purpose in mind. He’s proven Himself to work for the good of those who love Him. He takes what seems to be a curse and turns it into a blessing. For this reason, no matter how hard things get, I will persevere and trust in Him, even though I want out!
Troy Burns